Data Literacy












Making a Difference with Data: Helping UNT employees build their data literacy

DAIR is pleased to offer a three part webinar series each quarter focused on helping faculty and staff better understand and engage with institutional and external data.  Whether you are asked to serve on a search committee for a new hire, need to solve a challenge in your role, or are interested in applying data to inform your decision-making process the need for data literacy has never been more important.

What is data literacy?

UNT has adopted Gartner’s 2021 definition of data literacy as “the ability to read, write and communicate data in context, including an understanding of data sources and constructs, analytical methods and techniques applied, and the ability to describe the use case, application and resulting value.”  This definition is used as the backbone of our three-part data literacy webinar series where we explore each component and bring it to life for attendees.

Why should I attend?

Part 1 focuses on what data literacy actually is as well as the six most common attributes of data at UNT. Building on this, we then help attendees identify where common data can be found on campus, and how to turn a good data request into a great data request. Part 2 focuses on understanding the 9 common ways of analyzing data, demystifying and recognizing the importance of analytic maturity, and strategies to best collaborate with colleagues across campus on a data project.  Part 3 brings it all together and focuses on how to leverage our data and your analysis via the use of story-telling to help shape your data journey and translate it into institutional change and impact.  Attendees who attend all three parts will receive a certificate of completion as well as a special DAIR gift. 

Why Should I Enroll?

  • You will be taught the definition of data literacy and why it matters to the future of our institution.
  • You will gain a deeper understanding of the complexity of the UNT data ecosystem.
  • You will learn how to identify the best sources of data for a given challenge and where they exist on campus.
  • You will understand how to request data in a much more efficient manner reducing the time from request to action.
  • You will gain skills in data analysis and develop competencies in being able to speak about and describe analytic approaches to solving challenges.
  • You will learn how to craft a story with your data to help bolster chances your findings will be adopted to drive institutional change.
  • You will better position yourself for your future by having a deeper understanding of how data impacts your role and higher education.

Do I Need Previous Experience?

No. This series is designed for UNT faculty and staff of all skill and ability levels.

How Do I Sign Up?

The series will be held each quarter with one webinar per month. Interested UNT faculty and staff can sign-up for the upcoming by emailing – please put Data Literacy as the subject of your email.