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Welcome to Insights 2.0. With over 1,400 trained campus users, is designed to be your gateway to data-informed decision making. The icons below will take you directly to the data you need to help you with your questions. We encourage you to visit often as we are constantly adding new products and features to assist our user community. The entire DAIR team and developer partners look forward to hearing about your success stories leveraging the insights below.

Please note that new users must attend a New User training session to gain access to Insights 2.0. To sign up, click on the "Training Page" tab above and follow the links for New User training. We also highly suggest taking our Data Literacy at UNT asynchronous course in Bridge prior to gaining Insights access. The link to this short course can also be found on the Training page. Finally, you must download and log in to the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client to access Insights 2.0 dashboards from off-campus locations.

Click here to download Cisco AnyConnect

Admissions Dashboards
Admissions Funnel
Admissions Funnel Term Comparision
Admissions: Security Role Required
Admitted Yet Enrolled Elsewhere
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Degree Dashboards
UNT Degrees
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Demographic Dashboards
Student Demographics
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Engagement Dashboards
Card Swipe
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Enrollment Dashboards
Enrollment by Section
Enrollment Comparison
Enrollment Comparison by Location and Modality
Student Enrollment Patterns

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External Dashboards
Federal Education Data: IPEDS
THECB Almanac: 4 Year Institution
THECB Almanac: 2 Year Institution
THECB High School To College
THECB Majors by CIP: Institutions
THECB Majors by CIP: Systems and Statewide

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Faculty Dashboards

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Grade Dashboards
Grade Distribution
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Graduation Rate Dashboards
Graduation Rates: Undergraduate
Graduation Rates: Master's
Graduation Rates: Doctoral
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Retention Dashboards
New Undergraduate Student Retention
All Undergraduate Student Retention
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Semester Credit Hours Dashboards
Semester Credit Hours
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Other Helpful Resources
Jump to Get Training
Jump to UNT Facebook
Jump to UNT FYI Form
Jump to Data Dictionary


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